

Minutes: none

Item 1. Minutes

Minutes: none

Item 2. Questions from Members of the Council to Executive Members

Minutes: none

Item 3. Public Petitions

Minutes: none

Item 4. Draft Integrated Plan 2024/2025–2027/2028

Minutes: none

Item 5. Hertfordshire Admission Arrangements for 2025/26

Minutes: none

Item 6. Outcome of the Public Consultation on the Proposed Enlargement of Lonsdale School through the Proposed Closure of the Residential Offer at the School on 31 August 2024

Minutes: none

Item 7. Integration of Local Enterprise Partnership Functions into Hertfordshire County Council

Minutes: none

Item 8. Hertfordshire Development Quality Charter

Minutes: none

Item 9. Adoption of the Hertfordshire County Council Service Provision and Place-making Guide

Minutes: none

Item 17. Adoption of Hertfordshire County Council Sustainable Construction Design Guide

Minutes: none

Item 16. Decision on the Future Use of Lower Green Farm, Ickleford

Minutes: none

Item 10. Proposed Highways 2024/25 Integrated Works and Procurement Routes

Minutes: none

Item 11. Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan, Asset Performance Report 2022/23

Minutes: none

Item 12. Q3 Finance Budget Monitor

Minutes: none

Item 13. Decision on the Future Use of former Park ESC Learning Centre and Car Park, Potters Bar

Minutes: none

Item 14. Decision on the Future Use of Land At Cashio Lane and Croft Lane, Letchworth Garden City

Minutes: none

Item 15. To Seek Approval for Rural Estate Strategic Plan Following Consultation

Minutes: none

Item 18. Approval of the Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service Longfield Site (Three Phase) Redevelopment

Minutes: none