
Meeting Documents

1 . Prayers

  • Prayers

Minutes: none

2 . Apologies For Absence

  • To receive apologies for absence (if any).

  • Decision:

  • Received from Councillors Phil Martin and Barry Mugglestone.

Minutes: none

3 . Minutes

  • View Minutes
  • To sign as a true record the minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on 14 June 2017 (attached).

  • Decision:

  • Minutes AGREED as a correct record.

Minutes: none

4 . Disclosure Of Interests

  • Members are invited to disclose any interest in any of the items on the agenda at this point of the meeting. 

  • Members may still disclose any interest in an item at any time prior to the consideration of the matter. 

  • Decision:

  • None

Minutes: none

5 . Announcements By The Mayor, By The Leader Of The Council Or By The Chief Executive

  • To receive announcements (if any).

Minutes: none

6 . Petitions

  • Councillors Michael Deon Burton and Wendy Brice-Thompson have given notice of intention to present a petition.

  • To receive any other petition presented pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 23.

  • Decision:

  • Petitions presented by Councillors Deon Burton and Brice-Thompson.

Minutes: none

7 . Havering Community Safety Partnership Plan 2017/18 - 2019/20

Minutes: none

8 . Pensions Administration Service

Minutes: none

9 . Annual Reports of Committees, Sub-Committees and Member Champions

  • View Report
  • To receive the annual reports of Committees, Sub-Committees and Member Champions (attached).

  • Decision:

  • All reports received, without division.

Minutes: none

10 . Debate On Leader's Statement

  • Note: The text of the Leader’s Statement is appended to the minutes of the previous meeting, as shown at item 3 of the agenda papers.

  • Deemed Motion

  • That the statement given by the Leader of the Council to the Meeting of the Council held on 14 June 2017 be received.

  • Amendment by the Independent Residents’ Group

  • The Administration have made a number of difficult decisions to save and raise money as we are told “there is no alternative”, but Council agrees it was a mistake for the Council Leader to promote the Mayor of London’s as yet undeclared new housing target of 30,000 new properties, as a “Vision for Havering” in the Council booklet “Havering – Making a Greater London”!

  • Decision:

  • Amendment by Independent Residents’ Group NOT CARRIED by 33 votes to 12; deemed motion agreed without division.

Minutes: none

11 . Member's Questions

Minutes: none

12 . Motions For Debate

  • View Report
  •  Decision: 

  • Procedural motion that motion on housing (agenda item 12A) and motion on Greater London Authority (agenda item 12C) be deferred to extraordinary meeting of Council on 26 July AGREED without division.


  • Amendment by Conservative Group CARRIED by 31 votes to 13; amendment by Labour Group NOT CARRIED by 40 votes to 8; amendment by Conservative Group AGREED as substantive motion, without division.


  • Motion on behalf of Conservative and East Havering Residents’ Groups AGREED by 50 votes to 0.

Minutes: none